Lara Coassin

Lara Coassin is a creative practitioner from Germany working with film photography and graphic design. 
Her work positions itself in the realm of the sustainability movement addressing nature, our human interaction and fashion.

London, United Kingdom


︎︎︎HoJ Artists

︎︎︎Greenhaus Magazine
︎︎︎Doyenne Skatebards
︎︎︎Wolf & Gypsy Vintage
︎︎︎Fashion Design Yearbook


Select Model Management

Graphic Design Department, London, United Kingdom

Working as the graphic designer and In House photographer for London based model and talent agency Select Model Management, I have worked on the design of industry facing material such as showpacks supporting fashion weeks, social media content, scouting cards and tested models both in studio and on location.


London Fashion Week Showpack FW24, Cover Design ︎︎︎

Scouting Card Design ︎︎︎